
A list of books I own that may also be of use to you. Let us put our books and minds together to create something fabulous! In the name of scholarship I give you: a table!

AuthorTitle PublisherYearISBNCatagoryNotes
Adachi, FumieJapanese Design MotifsDover Publications, Inc.19720-486-22874-6Not Period Appropriate, ArtThis book is problematic and I do not recommend buying this book as a period appropriate SCA resource.
Atkins, J.M., Dower, J.W., Morse, A. N., Sharif, F. A.The Brittle Decade, Visualizing Japan in the 1930'sMFA Publications2012978-0-87846-769-3Not Period Appropriate, ArtDoes not fit into SCA time period.
Brown, AzbyThe Genius of Japanese Carpentry, The Secrets of a CraftKodansha International19954-7700-1978-5ArchitectureStill reading but goes into depth in the reconstruction effort of Yakushiji (05/2017)
Chang, Amos Ih TiaoThe Tao of ArchitecturePrinceton University Press19560-691-00330-0ArchitectureAnother saved book from my University Days.
Chu, DannyShojin Ryori, The Art of Japanese Vegetarian CuisineMarshall Cavendish Cuisine2014978-9814516280Kindle: FoodI cannot wait to try some of these foods!!!
Coaldrake, William H.The Way of the Carpenter, Tools and Japanese ArchitectureWeatherhill19900-8348-0231-7ArchitectureStill reading but looks to be a great book on carpentry and the tools therein. (05/2017)
Dalby, Liza CrihifieldKimono, Fashioning CultureUniversity of Washington Press20010-295-98155-5ClothingWhile I have not read the entire book, a very useful item to understand the color and layering of jūnihitoe.
Deal, William E.Handbook to Life in Medieval and Early Modern JapanOxford University Press2006978-0-19-533126-4HistoryStill Reading (02/2015)
Dower, John W.The Elements of Japanese DesignWeatherhill19850-8348-0143-4HeraldryGreat for kamon knowledge and period appropriate designs.
Engel, HeinoMeasure and Construction of the Japanese HouseCharles E. Tuttle Co.1985 978-0804814928Kindle: ArchitectureStill reading (05/2017)
Hanna, R. Wesley (eds.)The Known World Handbook, Fourth EditionSociety of Creative Anachronism2010978-0-615-36169-7Reference
Kawasumi, KenThe Encyclopedia of Sushi RollsGraph-Sha Ltd.2008978-4-88996-076-1Not Period Appropriate, FoodMore of a coffee table book than an SCA resource.
March, MichaelGuide to JapanHighlights for Children19950-87534-911-0ReferenceThis is the book that started it all! You can blame this book for igniting my passion for all things Japanese.
Nishi, K., & Hozumi, KWhat is Japanese Architecture, A Survey of Traditional Japanese ArchitectureKodansha /uSA2012978-1-56836-412-4ArchitectureA great book for breadth in architecture. Highly recommended.
Nostrand,BarbaraName Construction in Mediæval Japan, Revised EditionPotboiler Press20040-939329-02-6ReferenceTHE book for SCAdians looking to re-create appropriate Japanese names.
Shikibu, MurasakiThe World of the Shining Prince, Court Life in Ancient JapanVintage Books2013978-0-345-80391Kindle: Period Writingnew
Shikibu, MurasakiThe Tale of GenjiPenguin Group2001978-1-101-65-762-1Kindle: Period Writingnew
Shōnagon, SeiThe Pillow BookPenguin Books2006978-0-140-44806-IPeriod WritingDiary by Sei Shōnagon.
Tanizaki, Jun'ichirōIn Praise of ShadowsLeete's Island Books, Inc.19770-918172-02ArchitectureOne of the only books I kept after my University days. Love this book.
Turnbull, StephenJapanese Castles AD 250-1540Osprey Publishing2008978-1846032530Kindle: ArchitectureStill reading (05/2017)
Turnbull, StephenJapanese Fortified Temples and Monasteries AD 710-1062Osprey Publishing2012978-1841768267Kindle: ArchitectureStill reading (05/2017)
Vandervoort, DianaTemari, How to make Japanese Thread BallsJapan Publications Trading Co., Ltd19920-87040-881-XCraftI have read through this multiple times, but have yet to start a project.
Vandervoort, DianaTemari Adventures, Fun & Easy Japanese Thread & Quilt BallsJapan Publications Trading Co., Ltd19984-88996-038-4CraftHave not read this one from head to toe and have yet to start one of the projects.
VariousKokinshū, A Collection of Poems Ancient and ModernCheng & Tsui Company1996978-0-88727-249-3PoetryI reference this book nearly every season for the various Poetry I write.
忠基, 八條 素晴らしい装束の世界―いまに生きる千年のファッション誠文堂新光社2005978-4416805442ClothingI can't read Japanese, but damn is this book beautiful.